*A portion of all proceeds will benefit a local Volunteer Fire Department*
June 28th, 2025
July 26th, 2025
September 6th, 2025
Stay tuned for more information!
Keep a close eye on our Facebook page for important announcements such as opener and headliner announcements, ticket sales/giveaways and more!

Sponsorship Information
Sponsorship Levels
Sponsor logo played on facility tv’s one month before and after the entire concert series
Social media recognition before one concert (of your choosing)
24in x 16 in sign displayed in the lobby of all (3) concerts
Sponsor logo played on facility tv’s one month before and after the entire concert series
Social media recognition before one concert (of your choosing)
Sponsor banner hung at the facility at (1) concert of choice (banner provided by the sponsor)
Sponsor logo included on the website and social media marketing for the chosen concert
Sponsor logo included on flyers for the chosen concert
Sponsor logo played on facility tv’s one month before and after the entire concert series
Logo listed on ticket/ticket website for chosen concert
Sponsor banner hung at the facility during all (3) concerts
Sponsor logo included on the website, flyer, social media, and all marketing materials for all (3) concerts
Sponsor logo played on facility tv’s one month before and after the entire concert series
Sponsor logo included on ticket/ticket website for chosen concert (one concert of your choosing)
(2) Sponsor banners hung at the facility for all (3) concerts
Social media Recognition for all (3) concerts
Sponsor logo included on the website, flyer, social media, and all marketing materials
Sponsor logo played on facility tv’s one month before and after the entire concert series
Sponsor logo included on ticket/ticket website for chosen concert (1)
Radio recognition for (1) concert of your choice
(4) tickets to 2 concerts of your choice
(2) Sponsor banners hung in the Event Center for each concert (one at wristband station, one in a prime location)
Sponsor logo played on the facility tv’s one month before and after the concert series
Sponsor banner hung outside of the facility each concert weekend
Social media Recognition for all (3) concerts
Sponsor logo included on the website, flyer, social media, and all marketing materials
Sponsor logo included on ticket/ticket website for all (3) concerts
Sponsor logo included on ID wristbands
Radio recognition for all (3) concerts
6 tickets to all 3 concerts
2 - Sponsor banners hung in the Event Center for each concert (one at token station, one in a prime location
Sponsor logo played on the facility tv’s one month before and after the concert series
Sponsor banner hung outside of the facility each concert weekend
Social media Recognition for all (3) concerts
Sponsor logo included on the website, flyer, social media, and all marketing materials
Sponsor logo included on ticket/ticket website for all (3) concerts
Sponsor logo included on beer tokens for all (3) concerts
Radio recognition for all (3) concerts
6 tickets to all (3) concerts
(2) 4x8 Sponsor banners hung in the Event Center for each concert (one at the beer garden, one in a prime location)
Sponsor logo played on the facility tv’s one month before and after the concert series
Sponsor banner hung outside of the facility each concert weekend
Social media Recognition for all (3) concerts
Sponsor logo included on the website, flyer, social media, and all marketing materials
Sponsor logo included on ticket/ticket website for all (3) concerts
Sponsor logo included on a koozie provided by the facility and handed out at the beer station
Radio Recognition for all (3) concerts
6 tickets to all (3) concerts